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8th Grade ELAR Syllabus

Teacher: Mr. Anthony Gonzalez

Email -

Raul Perales Middle School 

Phone # 956-473-6800

Room # 220

Remind: @glz8elar

Conference Period:  7th Period- 2:35 pm-3:30 pm   


This 8th Grade ELAR Course is designed around the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) which embodies the interconnected nature of listening, speaking, reading, writing, and thinking through the seven integrated strands of developing and sustaining foundational language skills; comprehension; response; multiple genres; author's purpose and craft; composition; and inquiry and research. The strands focus on academic oracy (proficiency in oral expression and comprehension), authentic reading, and reflective writing. The strands are integrated and progressive with students continuing to develop knowledge and skills with increased complexity and nuance in order to think critically and adapt to the ever-evolving nature of language and literacy, and other essential skills needed for their success in preparation for the State Reading Exam (STAAR) and for high school’s Texas Assessment of Academic Readiness Standards (EOC).                                  


ELA Curriculum Overview:

Grading Policy: 

According to United ISD district-wide standards, grades are as followed:

  • Daily Grades –  Daily Activities, Daily Classwork, Interactive Notebooks, Quizzes, and Homework

  • Summative Grades – Content Based Assessments (CBA’s), Benchmarks, and Projects

  • Tutorial absences

  • It is the student’s responsibility to obtain work when absent; otherwise, assignments made during absence are handled as late work. Please see me for any copies you may need. School policy for work missed while absent will be enforced. 


Six Weeks Grading Periods:

First Six Weeks – August 16th to September 24th 

Second Six Weeks – September 27th  to November 5th

Third Six Weeks – November 8th to December 21st

Fourth Six Weeks – January 10th to February 17th 

Fifth Six Weeks – February 22nd to April 8th 

Sixth Six Weeks – April 11th t May 27th 

Tutorial Schedule

To be announced.


CBA’s and Benchmarks

CBA 1 Sep 22, 2021

CBA 2 Nov 3, 2021

BM 1 Week of November 15-19, 2021

CBA 3 Jan 19, 2021

BM 2 March 10, 2022

STAAR May 2022

Academic Honesty

The English Department at Raul Perales Middle School expects that all work turned in is the student’s own work. Plagiarism incidents will be handled according to the school policy set in place.  Plagiarism is defined as “the false assumption of authorship: the wrongful act of taking the product of another person’s mind and presenting it as one’s own. This includes all forms of copying, cutting/pasting, and cheating whether the material is taken in whole or in part from a book, the internet, a student, or another source. In an instance where the material has been obtained from another student, both parties will be penalized. Your written work will be scanned by an online engine that will identify any plagiarism incidents Please refer to the student code of conduct for more information. 


Classwork and Homework:

Students are expected to turn work in on time; late work will not get full credit unless a student has come and spoken with me before the assignment is due. Throughout the course of the year, students may turn assignments in online via the class website through the student assignments tab when applicable. Homework may and will be assigned on Tuesdays, students will reinforce concepts and strategies reviewed in class with mini-activities and worksheets.